Amazon has supported the Hustle Mommies “Paint the Hood Orange Initiative” by serving as our SMALL BUSINESS sponsor where we have spent five figures with Black/Black mom-owned businesses in the Chicagoland area. This partnership was designed to elevate the power of doing business with brands within each community (ten in total) that our organization serves within Black Chicago.
Starting Goal & Objectives:​
Work with 5 companies/organizations within each community
Use funds to patronize Black Chicagoland businesses
Elevate and promote Black mom-owned businesses in Chicago
Structure the PTHO events to be organized and planned by all Black-owned businesses
The Process
We curated a list of Black and Black mom on businesses that are based and/or serving each of the communities we serviced and contracted them for events. Amazon was and has been listed as our support black business partner and has contributed to our organization spending multiple six figures with Black-owned businesses. We have HUSTLE MOMMIES ROW at our block parties that showcase black-owned businesses in the neighborhoods we will showcase at each location and allow the community to learn who we will support.
The Result
The Hustle Mommies has spent close to $500,000 on Black and Black mompreneur businesses in Chicago and have worked with 40 businesses within 10 different communities.